Saudi Arabia Must Implement UPR Recommendations Protecting Freedom of Expression


On 10 September 2018, 31 human rights organizations signed a letter sent to key foreign ministries in North America, Europe, and Latin America ahead of Saudi Arabia’s 3rd cycle Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and as the 39th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) begins calling on governments to use the opportunities afforded by the[…]

In HRC39 Written Statement ADHRB Assesses Saudi Arabia’s Implementation of its UPR Commitments

Ahead of the 39th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain submitted written statement to the Council raising serious concerns about Saudi Arabia’s systematic human rights violations and its disregard of its previous Universal Periodic Review (UPR) commitments made in October 2013. Saudi Arabia[…]

ADHRB Supports Canadian Calls for the Release of Detained Women’s Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia

8 August – On Sunday 5 August, the Saudi government expelled Dennis Horak, Canada’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, ordering him to leave within 24 hours, while recalling its own ambassador from Ottawa. The decision is a response to a statement by the Canadian Foreign Ministry on 3 August expressing grave concern over Saudi Arabia’s arrest[…]

ADHRB and ESOHR Condemn Saudi Arabia’s Arrest of Samar Badawi and Naseema Alsada

1 August 2018 – On 30 July, Saudi officials arrested prominent human rights defenders and women’s rights activists Samar Badawi and Naseema Alsada. Their arrests were overseen by the Presidency of State Security, Saudi Arabia’s domestic security and intelligence service and a body complicit in numerous human rights abuses, and they signal the Saudi government[…]

The Fight for Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia Must Go On

The lifting of Saudi Arabia’s infamous driving ban last week leaves much to be celebrated throughout the kingdom, but the Saudi government still leaves a considerable amount to be desired where women’s rights are concerned. The Saudi government’s minimal step in promoting gender equality is an undeniable accomplishment for women’s rights activists, but only serves[…]