Hollow Words, Empty Reforms: Saudi Arabia’s Effective Refusal to Reform Women’s Rights

[flipbook pdf=”https://usercontent.one/wp/www.adhrb.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2017.6.8_ADHRB_Hollow-Words_SaudiWomenRights_Web.pdf?media=1702831202”]   Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) is pleased to release Hollow Words, Empty Reforms: Saudi Arabia’s Effective Refusal to Reform Women’s Rights, a report assessing the impact of recent economic, legislative, and societal developments on the rights of women in Saudi Arabia. See the introduction to the report below, and click here to[…]

Women in Saudi Arabia: from PE class to driving

Since 2013, Physical Education (PE) classes for girls in Saudi Arabia have only been open to those who attend private school. In these classes, the female students must abide by a “decent dress code” that complies with the rules of Sharia, as interpreted by the Government of Saudi Arabia. However, with the recent campaign, girls[…]