Ahead of Oman’s third cycle Universal Periodic Review, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a report assessing freedom of expression in Oman titled Concerning Systematic Restrictions on the Rights to Freedom of Expression in the Sultanate of Oman. The report addresses the current policies, practices, and law which criminalize and hinder[…]
Today, ADHRB delivered an oral intervention under Item 6 Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on Italy. The intervention highlighted concerns related to the lack of practical steps by the Italian government in creating a National Institute for Human Rights; the use of in criminal law and other punitive procedures against NGOs rescuing people in the Mediterranean;[…]
Ahead of the United States of America’s third cycle Universal Periodic Review, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted two reports assessing how US support for the Governments of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates had empowered those governments to commit numerous egregious human rights abuses. In the first submission[…]
Ahead of Kuwait’s Third Cycle Universal Periodic Review in January 2020, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted an NGO submission. Our submission covered concerns over rights violations of non-citizens and stateless persons, in particular the bidoon; concerns over the rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and association; concerns over women’s rights[…]
Today, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) delivered an oral intervention at the 42nd Session of the Human Rights Council during the General Debate under Item 6. ADHRB raised concerns over Bahrain’s failure to comply with the 2017 UPR Recommendations. Click here for the PDF format and find below the oral statement. –[…]