50 Years Since the Establishment of the UAE State Security Apparatus: a Look into Years of Repression and Lies.

The State Security Apparatus (SSA) was set up by Federal Decree on June 10 1974 with the purpose to “protect the State security”. However, the reality is that it has been used as a tool of repression against dissenting voices, especially since the Arab Spring in 2011. Initially, the SSA was set up under the[…]

UAE fabricates new charges against detainees during COP28: the contradictory collaboration with false progressist states

On the 11th of December 2023, the NGO Emirates Detainees Advocacy Center (EDAC) reported that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has initiated a new mass trial against more than 80 emirates. Arguably, the trial represents a continuation of the infamous UAE 94 case, where numerous citizens were arrested for political views. In the latest proceeding,[…]

ADHRB at HRC38 Criticizes the UAE’s Disregard for UPR Recommendations

On Friday 29 June, at the 38th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, ADHRB’s Legal Fellow Bridget Quitter delivered an oral intervention during the Item 6 General Debate on the Universal Periodic Review mechanism. In her intervention, Quitter called attention to the United Arab Emirates’ disregard for the UPR process and its recommendations[…]