Where Is He? Eight months later, Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith is still disappeared

On 18 August 2015, UAE security forces arrested Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith, an Emirati economics professor and prominent academic. They arrested him in relation to tweets he allegedly posted in which he criticized Egypt. Eight months later the government has still not revealed his whereabouts and nothing has been heard from him. This is not[…]

Kuwait Raises Free Speech Restrictions to Parliamentary Level

The public prosecution in Kuwait recently issued a directive to all exit borders for the arrest of Kuwaiti Member of Parliament (MP) Abdul Hamid Dashti upon his attempted return to the country. Dashti is still abroad and said that such a measure is unprecedented, claiming it will be a “disaster for civil liberties in Kuwait.”[…]

New Saudi Documentary Uncovers Life Behind the Facade

Sabria S. Jawhar, a writer for Arab News, has heavily criticized a new documentary called “Saudi Arabia Uncovered.” The documentary details the current state of Saudi Arabia, highlighting various ways in which its citizens lack basic human rights and authorities suppress free political expression. The documentary calls attention to the failing economy, conflict in the[…]

The Trial of the al-Darats Continues in the UAE

The trial of Libyan-American citizens Kamal and Mohammed al-Darat is due to continue today in the UAE. On 18 January, Emirati authorities charged the father and son with providing financial support to two alleged Libyan terrorist groups (neither of which are recognized as terrorist organizations by the UN) after almost 18 months of incommunicado detention.[…]

ADHRB at HRC: Bahrain does not Cooperate with the Special Procedures

On March 16, 2016, at the 31st session of the Human Rights Council, Nedhal al-Salman, on behalf of ADHRB, BIRD, and BCHR, delivered an oral intervention during the Item 5 General Debate, in which she addressed Bahrain’s failure to cooperate with the Special Procedures, particularly concerning the treatement of children, and women human rights defenders.[…]