Unprotected by Law, Children Could Face Execution in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is one of the few countries in the world that executes and sentences people to death for crimes they allegedly committed as minors. Most recently, of the 47 people executed on 2 January 2016, four were arrested for crimes they reputedly committed as children. In addition, at least three young men face imminent[…]

Ali al-Nimr: A Childhood Denied

In 2014, a Saudi Arabian court ordered the execution of Ali al-Nimr. Despite wide-spread criticism, including from the UN, the kingdom claims it only executes the “most serious criminals.” Ali was a minor—17-years-old—when authorities arrested him in 2012 for participating in a non-violent demonstration. They kept him in pretrial detention for two years, tortured him[…]

The unjust arrest, trial, and execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr

The trial of prominent Muslim Shia cleric and political activist Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr was marred with human rights violations. Sheikh Nimr from the Awamiyah village in the Qatif region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was a vocal critic of the Saudi government and called for peaceful political reforms. He advocated for nonviolent civil disobedience[…]

Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith Reappears in UAE Court after Eight Months of Enforced Disappearance

After nearly eight months of enforced disappearance, the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has taken prominent Emirati economist and political activist Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith before the State Security Chamber of the Federal Supreme Court in Abu Dhabi. On 18 August 2015, Emirati officials arrested Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith from his work place[…]

GCC states claim “witchcraft” and “sorcery” is all around

The Royal Oman Police arrested two African nationals this week and charged them with crimes of practicing “sorcery.” Officers raided the house of the accused after they offered to heal an Omani citizen. Omani officials referred the two defendants to the Public Prosecution. The arrest of foreign nationals for sorcery in Oman is not an[…]