Profiles in Persecution: Mohamed Ebrahim Ali

Mohamed Ebrahim Ali is a Bahraini citizen who has been convicted in two separate unfair trials and repeatedly tortured by the authorities. At the time of his arrest in 2012, he was just 15 years old. Mohamed is currently being held in Jau Prison. On 15 July 2012, masked men in civilian clothing surrounded Mohamed’s[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Elyas AlMulla

Elyas AlMulla is a Bahraini citizen who was arrested, tortured to extract a confession, and sentenced to 15 years in prison. AlMulla remains in Jau Prison despite severe health problems caused by cancer and exacerbated by prison authorities’ denial of consistent access to necessary medical care. Security forces arrested AlMulla from his home on 11[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Ebrahim Marhoon

Ebrahim Marhoon was a student at the University of Bahrain until his arrest in November 2013. He was disappeared, tortured, stripped of his nationality, and denied medical care by the Bahraini authorities. The government is currently holding him in Jau Prison, Bahrain’s main long-term detention facility which is notorious for poor living conditions. Marhoon was[…]

Bahrain’s “Butcher” of Human Rights Sits on Saudi Yemen Accountability Panel

Saudi Arabia has appointed Bahraini judge Mansour al-Mansour to advise the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen’s Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT). The JIAT is the coalition’s investigatory and accountability body tasked with reviewing alleged human rights abuses, including attacks on civilians. Mansour al-Mansour, now poised to issue verdicts on alleged human rights violations in Yemen, previously[…]

ADHRB Condemns New Saudi Death Sentences in “Spying” Trial

On 6 December 2016, Saudi Arabia sentenced 15 people to death for allegedly spying for Iran. The Specialized Criminal Court in Riyadh sentenced 15 other suspects to prison terms ranging from six months to 25 years and acquitted two individuals. Of the 32 subjects, 30 are Shia, while the other two are Iranian and Afghani[…]