Profiles in Persecution: Hasan Abdulghani Farhan

Born in 1993, Hasan Abdulghani Farhan was a footballer with the “Sitra” club. At the age of 19, during his second year of secondary school, he was arbitrarily detained and denied of his human rights by Bahraini authorities. At the time of publishing, Hasan has been in Jau Prison for approximately seven years. On 11[…]

Profiles in Persecution : Ahmed Hasan AlMadhoon

Ahmed Hasan AlMadhoon was a 19 year old bus driver when he was violently arrested, for unknown reasons, on 14 March 2015. Since then, he has been subjected to torture, enforced disappearance and convicted in an unfair trial. Currently, Ahmed is serving a sentence in Jau Prison. On 14 March 2015 while Ahmed was at[…]

Political Prisoner Recounts Painful Memories of 10 March 2015 in Letter Marking Fifth Anniversary

10 March 2020 – Political prisoner Ali AlHajee wrote a letter marking the mass beatings of prisoners that took place on this day five years ago in Jau Prison, recounting the three month policy of collective punishment endured by prisoners in the form of physical and psychological torture. Though only a minority of prisoners participated[…]

Members of the European Parliament Send Letters to King Hamad of Bahrain and High Representative Josep Borrell on Death Sentence of Mohamed Ramadhan and Hussain Moosa

9 March 2020 – On 6 March 2020, 44 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) sent a letter to King Hamad bin Isa of Bahrain, and 45 MEPs sent a letter to the European Union Minister of Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell. Both letters requested urgent protection of the lives of two Bahraini torture survivors: Mohamed Ramadhan and[…]

Letter from Political Prisoner Mohammad Mirza read at the Human Rights Council

Today, an oral intervention was delivered at the 43rd Session of the Human Rights Council under Item 3’s General Debate. The intervention highlighted poor prison conditions in Bahrain and that there is ongoing religious discrimination, reprisals, impunity and police brutality. A letter from Mohammad Mirza was also read which highlighted how unfair trials are the[…]