UN Experts Declare Kameel Juma Hasan Arbitrarily Detained, Note Systemic Violations in Bahrain May Constitute Crimes Against Humanity

17 June 2021- Today the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD)  published an Opinion on its website concerning Kameel Juma Mansoor Salman Hasan, the son of Bahraini civil society activist and former prisoner of conscience, Ms. Najah Ahmed Habib Yusuf, who had been declared arbitrarily detained by the WGAD. Facing over 20 different[…]

Profile in Persecution: Abbas Hasan Hasan

Abbas Hasan Hasan, a driver at Ruyan company, was almost 26 years old when he was arrested and kidnapped from a car outside his house. Abbas was tortured and convicted in an unfair mass trial. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Jau prison, Abbas contracted the virus.  Around 10 or 11 December 2017,[…]

UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: Six Bahrainis are arbitrarily detained and victims of various human rights violations

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) adopted an Opinion on 26 November 2020, concerning Ali Mahdi Abdulhusain Mohamad Alaiwi, Hasan Asad Jasim Jasim Nesaif, Habib Hasan Habib Yusuf, Ali Ahmed Ali Ahmed Fakhrawi, Mohamed Ahmed Ali Ahmed Fakhrawi, and Nooh Abdulla Hasan Ahmed Hasan Al Amroom. In the opinion, the WGAD determined[…]

UAE: Uphold International Obligations, Allow Peaceful Dissent

In the United Arab Emirates, political parties do not exist, peaceful dissent is not tolerated, and reports regarding arbitrary arrests and the torture of detainees are highly concerning. A country lacking in democratic institutions, the Government of the UAE further imperiled any hope for democracy by continuing its unprecedented crackdown on dissent. The authorities have[…]

Profile in Persecution: Hasan Radhi AlBaqali

Hasan Radhi AlBaqali was a 28-year-old security personnel at a private company when he was arrested by Omani authorities on 22 February 2016 at Muscat Airport Oman based on Bahrain’s allegations, via INTERPOL, that he was a fugitive from justice. During his detention, he was subjected to torture and to several human rights violations. Recently,[…]