UAE: One year on, award-winning human rights defender Ahmed Mansoor’s whereabouts remain unknown

20 March 2018  – The authorities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) should reveal the whereabouts of prominent human rights defender and citizen-journalist Ahmed Mansoor and release him immediately and unconditionally, over two dozen human rights organizations said today. He is being held for his peaceful human rights work. 20 March 2018 marks one year[…]

HRC37 Intervention on the UAE’s failure to Implement its UPR Recommendations

On Monday 19 March, ADHRB’s Saudi Advocacy Associate delivered an oral intervention during the 37th session of the Human Rights Council on behalf of ADHRB during the Item 6 General Debate. The intervention addressed the United Arab Emirates’ refusal to implement its free expression-, free assembly-, and free association-related Universal Periodic Review (UPR) recommendations, and[…]

HRC37 Intervention on Cybersurveillance and Cyber Attacks on Bahraini and Emirati Activists

On Tuesday 6 March, at the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, ADHRB’s legal fellow, Bridget Quitter delivered an intervention during the Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteurs on privacy and sale of children. In her intervention, she raised the Bahraini and Emirati government’s use of cyber technology to spy on their citizens,[…]

HRC37 Intervention on the Challenges Awaiting Post-Conflict Yemen

On Friday 2 March during the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, Yusuf al-Hoori delivered an intervention during the Item 3 Clustered Interactive Dialogue featuring the Rapporteur on truth, justice, and reparations. Al-Hoori’s intervention looked at the challenges awaiting Yemen in the post-conflict stage due to the devastation of Yemeni society, massive humanitarian crisis,[…]

GCC Cases Raised in the HRC 37 Special Procedures Joint Communications Report

Bahrain BHR 11/2017 JUA 31 Oct 2017 Mandates: arbitrary detention, freedom of opinion and expression, human rights defenders, torture Alleged victims: 1 Information received concerning allegations of torture and other ill-treatment of Mr. Ibrahim Jawad ‘Abd Ullah Sarhan, a Bahraini lawyer, as well as threats of prosecution against him for charges related to the expression[…]