Ethical Dilemmas in Diplomacy: The Biden Administration and Bahrain’s Human Rights

The United States has been increasing its focus on the Middle East since World War II. In order to maintain a consistent U.S. Navy presence in the region, the Middle East Force was established in 1949. This allowed for broader engagement, leading to a significant military partnership.                […]

Petition: Tell Congress to Stop Trump from Selling More Guns to Abusive Bahrain

The Bahraini military is detaining, trying, and allegedly even torturing civilian prisoners – and Trump just decided to sell them nearly $1 billion worth of new weapons. Congress has less than 30 days to say no. Tell them to now. Last Christmas, the Bahraini military convicted 12 civilians and a soldier in an illegal mass trial[…]

Senate Narrowly Rejects Bill to Withdraw US Support for Saudi-led Yemen War

21 March 2018 – On 20 March 2018, the United States (US) Senate voted narrowly to kill a bipartisan resolution S.J.Res.54 that would withdraw American support for Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Yemen, with 55 in favor of the motion to table the bill and 44 against. The bill, sponsored by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT),[…]

Seven Years After the 2011 Uprising, Bahrain’s Military Courts Confirm Death Sentences for Civilians

21 February 2018 – Today, Bahrain’s Military High Court of Appeal rejected the appeal of three civilians and one soldier convicted in a mass trial – “Terror Case/2017/1” – by the Military High Court on 25 December 2017. The case marks the first trial of civilians before a military tribunal in Bahrain since the 2011 National Safety[…]

Saudi-led Coalition’s Actions in Yemen Come Under Increasing US Scrutiny

On 6 December, United States President Donald Trump issued a brief statement in which he called on the Government of Saudi Arabia to end its blockade of Yemen. In his statement, President Trump addressed the blockade as a humanitarian issue and stated that he had directed a member of his administration to reach out to[…]