G20 Leaders: Help Free Saudi Activists

Throughout Oct – Nov 2020, Saudi Arabia is hosting the G20 (including Women 20, Civil Society 20, Urban 20 and Business 20). We are now calling on all government officials to use their power and call for the immediate and unconditional release of all Saudi Activists. Since May 2018 the Free Saudi Activists Coalition has[…]

Profile in Persecution: Husain Najeeb Eid

Husain Najeeb Eid was a 22-year-old university student when he was arbitrarily detained by the Bahraini authorities. During his interrogation, he was subjected to several human rights violations. He is currently detained in Jau Prison. Husain suffers from sickle cell anemia but is denied proper health care by the prison administration. Recently, Husain was a cause[…]

The Humanitarian crisis in Yemen caused by the Saudi-UAE led coalition

On 24 September 2020, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 45 during on interactive debate under item 3.   Madame President, We express our deep dismay about the ongoing systematic violations of the Yemeni people’s rights caused by the continuation of war, exacerbated by the effects of[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Mohamed Ahmed Abdulla Ali Abdulla Serhan

Mohamed Ahmed Abdulla Ali Abdulla Serhan was a 38 year-old teacher at the Ministry of Education in Bahrain when he was arrested in May 2013. Sentenced for 23 years, Mohamed was subjected to torture and enforced disappearance before he was unfairly tried on the basis of political charges. Mohamed is one of the five people[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Salman Ali Saleh

Salman Ali Saleh was 24 years old when Bahraini authorities arrested him in November 2015. Salman was tortured after he was arrested for alleged possession of explosive materials and collaboration with a terrorist cell. He was also accused of cooperating with wanted persons abroad, though his passport had expired four years prior to his arrest.[…]