Rather than Address Shia Discrimination in Bahrain, US Officials Praise its Whitewashing Efforts

27 July 2018 – Yesterday, Bahrain announced the appointment of an Ambassador-at-Large for Peaceful Coexistence and Religious Freedom. This announcement was applauded by several United States (US) officials including State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert, who also commended Bahrain’s “welcoming environment for religious minorities and their right to worship.” Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in[…]

UNESCO Will Host World Heritage Committee Session in Bahrain Despite Ongoing Cultural Discrimination

This weekend, on 24 June, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will begin their 42nd session of the World Heritage Committee in Manama, Bahrain. The session, which concludes on 4 July, is held yearly to discuss the management of existing World Heritage Sites and accept new nominations by countries. American’s for Democracy[…]

In Bahrain, a sermon about oppression leads to criminal charges of “inciting hatred”

In an unsurprising move, on 28 August, a Bahraini judge postponed for the second time the trial of Sheikh Isa al-Moamen to 28 September. On 6 August, Bahraini security forces arrested the Shia cleric in regards to a sermon he had given. The following day authorities interrogated him and have since held Sheikh al-Moamen at Dry[…]

Despite human rights violations, US-Bahrain security cooperation continues

Over the last few months the Bahraini government has stepped up its domestic repression by imprisoning and exiling human rights defenders, shutting down the largest political opposition society, and arresting and imprisoning dozens of Bahrainis who exercise their right to free expression and freedom of assembly. Following the citizenship revocation of Sheikh Isa Qassim in[…]