Profile in Persecution: Mohamed Hasan Abdulla (AlRamel)

Updated: Mohamed Hasan Abdulla (AlRamel) was a 55-year-old carpenter when he was arrested on 3 November 2015 during a raid on his house. During his detention, he was tortured, sexually harassed, and threatened before being convicted of charges based on planted evidence. He is currently serving his life sentence in Jau Prison, isolated in Building[…]

Profile in Persecution: Hasan Mushaima

Updated: Mr. Hasan Mushaima is a prominent Bahraini opposition figure and political prisoner who has been serving his life sentence in Jau Prison since 2011 after being charged with attempting to overthrow the government in light of his role in the pro-democracy demonstrations. During his imprisonment, authorities have been subjecting the 76-year-old to maltreatment and[…]

Event Summary: ADHRB at HRC 34 on Religious and Cultural Rights in Saudi Arabia

Amanda Milani, UN Liason for Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), moderated the panel and began the event by introducing the topic of discussion: religious and cultural rights in Saudi Arabia. She noted that it would be remiss if she failed to address that there were no Saudi nationals on this important[…]