ADHRB Calls Attention to the Plight of Unknown Prisoners in Bahrain

On Wednesday 27 June, during the Item 4 General Debate at the 38th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, ADHRB’s Legal Fellow Bridget Quitter delivered an oral intervention calling the world’s attention to the plight of thousands of unknown and average citizens in prison in Bahrain. Quitter highlighted that hundreds of Bahrainis are[…]

Bahraini Court Issues Two New Death Sentences Amid Torture Allegations

8 June 2016 – Bahraini courts sentenced two victims of torture to death on Tuesday amid serious concerns that the judiciary failed to uphold basic fair trial and due process guarantees, despite international outcry over recent executions carried out by the Kingdom. We, the undersigned, condemn the authorities’ use of torture and capital punishment and[…]