Saudi Nationals Contribute to Human Trafficking Domestically and Abroad

Like most of the other members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Saudi Arabia is a destination country for human trafficking. Migrant and domestic workers travel from Southeast Asia, Africa, and East Asia in order to make more money to send home to their families. Once in Saudi Arabia, many laborers, especially female domestic workers, are[…]

The unjust arrest, trial, and execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr

The trial of prominent Muslim Shia cleric and political activist Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr was marred with human rights violations. Sheikh Nimr from the Awamiyah village in the Qatif region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was a vocal critic of the Saudi government and called for peaceful political reforms. He advocated for nonviolent civil disobedience[…]

New laws won’t stop CPVPV harassment of women in Saudi Arabia

In April 2016, the government of Saudi Arabia announced it would no longer allow religious police, or the hay’a (commission), to request information from suspects or arrest civilians. The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (CPVPV) has now been instructed to report suspects of moral infractions to security forces and must have[…]

Combative Tweet Offers Look into How Saudis View Domestic Laborers

Earlier this week, Saudi Arabia was atwitter with arguments over where the country should source its domestic workers. The sensitive subject matter was brought up via a national discussion around another controversial issue- the right for women to drive in the Kingdom- and has large implications on the future of human trafficking in the nation.[…]

A Summary of the UN Committee Against Torture’s Review of Saudi Arabia

“Prisons may deprive liberty, but they should never deprive human rights.” – Mr. Abdelwahab Hani, Committee Against Torture (Review of Saudi Arabia, 57th Session of the Committee Against Torture) Upon completion of Saudi Arabia’s review before the UN Committee Against Torture on Monday 25 April, ADHRB expresses concern over the ongoing and systematic practices of[…]