Self-inflicted wounds: Courting the good-will of Middle East dictators

News that President Biden is traveling to the Gulf region this month to meet with the rulers of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the rest of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a betrayal of his promise to put “human rights at the center of our foreign policy, of the pro-democracy activists and journalists who have[…]

The self-respect of democracy

Read anything said about democracy and America by President Kennedy and President Reagan; read anything about Saudi Arabia’s bloody record of its repression of democracy and human rights; then try not to feel embarrassed and angry by the news that the President of the United States is travelling to Saudi Arabia to kiss the ring[…]

ADHRB urges the Saudi King to Annul the Death Sentences of Jaafar Sultan and Sadeq Thamer

Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) calls on the King of Saudi Arabia to halt the imminent execution of Bahraini citizens, Jaafar Mohamed Sultan and Sadeq Majeed Thamer, whose death sentences were upheld by the Saudi Supreme Court on 6 April 2022, by annulling their sentences. They have exhausted all legal remedies,[…]

Profile in Persecution: Muhammad Bin Alawi Bin Jaafar AlShakhoori

Muhammad Bin Alawi Bin Jaafar AlShakhoori, a 34-year-old Saudi activist in the 2011 democratic movement in Qatif, was arrested without a warrant in 2017 at a checkpoint. He was then forcibly disappeared and tortured, and forced to sign a confession, which resulted in chronic pains and injuries. Muhammad was sentenced on various charges and sent[…]

A Summary of ADHRB’s Engagement at HRC46

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 46th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) was held virtually between 22 February and 23 March 2021. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) welcomed the 46th session as an opportunity to draw attention to the deteriorating human rights condition in Bahrain and[…]