Bahrain hajj policy is a major step backwards for women’s rights

Bahrain’s Ministry of Islamic and Judicial Affairs has announced a new policy requiring Bahraini women under the age of 45 must be accompanied by a male guardian in order to hajj, a religious pilgrimage in Mecca. Local newspaper Al Wasat has reported that the new policy will be implemented in 2017. The restriction is one[…]

Congressmen Seek to Block Saudi Tank Deal as Civilian Causalities Rise in Yemen

Last week, the U.S. State Department notified Congress of an impending $1.15 billion dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia. This deal is the latest in a string of major arms sales agreements, totaling over $20 billion, since the Gulf country began fighting in Yemen against the Houthi rebels in March 2015. However, steady arms sales to[…]

British-Saudi woman allegedly trapped by father in Jeddah

A British judge ruled last Wednesday that dual British-Saudi citizen, Amina Al-Jeffery, must be allowed to return to the UK from Saudi Arabia.  The decision comes after 21-year-old Amina Al-Jeffery claimed that she is being kept in a cage by her father, Mohammed Al-Jeffery Ms. Al-Jeffery  was born and raised in Swansea, Wales, but was forced[…]

Saudi Arabia’s Suppression of Terror Stops at its Borders

On 15 July 2016, the Obama administration declassified and released 28 pages of a congressional inquiry into alleged Saudi government complicity in the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. Saudi officials responded stating that it was “one of the more peculiar ironies” that a nation that has done so much to combat[…]

ADHRB Deeply Concerned over Migrant Food Crisis in Saudi Arabia

More than 10,000 Indian workers have recently lost their jobs in Saudi Arabia, and many of them had previously gone months without payment. Vikas Swarup, a spokesman for the Indian foreign ministry, has estimated that over 7,700 workers living in 20 labor camps are food insecure. The workers were unable to leave Saudi Arabia upon[…]