USCIRF: Saudi Arabia Remains a Country of Particular Concern

On 26 April, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released its 2017 Annual Report, labeling Saudi Arabia as a Tier 1 “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC) for severe violations of religious freedom. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) welcomes USCIRF’s decision to continue placing pressure on Saudi Arabia by[…]

ADHRB Condemns Election of Saudi Arabia to UN’s Commission on Status of Women

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) strongly condemns the election of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations Women’s Rights Commission. The kingdom’s election to the Commission grants it influence on a range of women’s issues despite its own policies of strict gender separation and male guardianship. The Commission on the Status of[…]

The Irresponsibility of US Arm Sales to Saudi Arabia

On 7 February 2017, the Trump administration announced that it would approve the sale of a $300 million precision-guided missile technology package to Saudi Arabia despite ongoing concerns about the kingdom’s involvement in the conflict in Yemen and civilian casualties. The escalating conflict in Yemen has produced a death toll of over 10,000 citizens with[…]

Saudi prince supports preserving national heritage despite past destruction of sites

On 3 April 2017, Prince Sultan bin Salman, chairman of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage, urged support for the renovation of historic Jedda. He emphasized the importance of preserving cultural heritage sites, where “a large presence of citizens…are a remarkable indication that people long for the heritage of this country.” However, the[…]

Theresa May omits human rights concerns during visit to Saudi Arabia

5 April 2017 – UK Prime Minister Theresa May arrived in Saudi Arabia yesterday to begin a two-day visit to discuss security, trade, and investment with the Saudi regime. As this visit approached, Prime Minister May repeatedly sidestepped questions about human rights and largely demurred when prompted with questions over whether such concerns would be[…]