Hollow Words, Empty Reforms: Saudi Arabia’s Effective Refusal to Reform Women’s Rights

[flipbook pdf=”https://usercontent.one/wp/www.adhrb.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2017.6.8_ADHRB_Hollow-Words_SaudiWomenRights_Web.pdf?media=1702831202”]   Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) is pleased to release Hollow Words, Empty Reforms: Saudi Arabia’s Effective Refusal to Reform Women’s Rights, a report assessing the impact of recent economic, legislative, and societal developments on the rights of women in Saudi Arabia. See the introduction to the report below, and click here to[…]

Transfer of Saudi Juvenile Detainee Renews Concerns over Abuse of Child Prisoners

On 25 May, the Saudi government transferred Murtaja Algariras, a minor, to the General Directorate of Investigations (GDI) prison in al-Dammam. The GDI, also known as al-Mabahith, has a reputation for torturing prisoners, renewing concerns that Saudi authorities are subjecting juvenile detainees like Algariras to abuse. Algariras was arbitrarily arrested on 20 September 2014 while[…]

ADHRB Condemns Qatar’s Deportation of Mohammed al-Otaibi to Saudi Arabia

31 May 2017 – Between 24 and 25 May, Qatari authorities forcibly deported Saudi human rights defender Mohammed Abdullah al-Otaibi to Saudi Arabia, where he faces an unfair trial and possible ill-treatment due to his peaceful activism. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) strongly condemns the Qatari government’s actions and calls on[…]

GCC Cases Raised in the HRC 35 Special Procedures Joint Communications Report

Bahrain BHR 2/2017 JUA 17 Feb 2017 Mandates: Arbitrary Detention, Disability, Freedom of opinion and expression, Freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Human rights defenders, Torture Information received concerning the arbitrary arrest and detention of six individuals, including one person with an intellectual disability and two minors, for exercising their rights to freedom of[…]

US Representative McGovern delivers statement on Saudi imprisonment of Raif Badawi

On Monday, 22 May 2017, Representative James McGovern (D-MA) delivered a statement in Congress on the continued detention of Raif Badawi and all prisoners of conscience in Saudi Arabia. A Saudi court sentenced human rights activist and writer Badawi to a total of 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes for free speech-related charges. 17[…]