GCC Cases Raised in the HRC 38 Special Procedures Joint Communications Report

To view this statement in PDF, click here.  Bahrain BHR 2/2018 14 Feb 2018 UA Mandates: arbitrary detention, executions, independence of judges and lawyers, torture Alleged victims: 1 Information received concerning the re-sentencing to death of Mr. Maher Abbas Yousef al-Khabbaz, a 28-year-old, following a collective trial that did not meet fair and due process guarantees,[…]

US State Department’s 2017 Religious Freedom Report Highlights Systematic Discrimination in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain

31 May 2018 – Two days ago, the United States (US) Department of State (DoS) published its annual International Religious Freedom Report. In it, the State Department highlights systematic, government-sanctioned religious discrimination in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, including specific targeting of the countries’ Shia Muslim communities. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB)[…]

CERD Releases its Concluding Observations on Racial Discrimination in Saudi Arabia

15 May 2018 – On Friday 11 May, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) released its concluding observations for its review of Saudi Arabia. In its observations, the Committee voices a number of concerns about Saudi Arabia’s treatment of its racial minorities and offers recommendations to bring the kingdom’s practices in line[…]

US-Saudi Cooperation is Cause for Concern as US Deepens its Role in Yemen Conflict

The United States (US) has secretly had at least a dozen Green Beret troops on the ground in Saudi Arabia, near the border with Yemen, since the end of 2017. This comes as something of a surprise given the Pentagon’s repeated statements stressing that American military involvement in the conflict in Yemen was solely limited[…]

Saudi’s First Movie in 35 Years Champions Equality, Something Saudi Arabia Continues to Repress

After a longtime ban – spanning over three-decades – Saudi Arabia has re-introduce cinema into society. The decision is part of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman’s series of social reforms, as he brands himself a ‘modern’ and a ‘reformer’ in the international community. In reality, this is far from the case. The small steps he[…]