At HRC 43, ADHRB call on Implementation of the Stockholm Agreement

Today, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) delivered an oral intervention at the 43rd Session of the Human Rights Council during the General Debate under Item 2. ADHRB called on the Council to apply pressure on Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain as states participating in the war on Yemen,[…]

At HRC 43, ADHRB Delivers an Oral Interventions on the crisis in Yemen

Today, an oral intervention was delivered at the 43rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, under Item 2 regarding oral updates by the High Commissioner on activities in Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Cyprus, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Sri Lanka, Eritrea, Nicaragua, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Yemen. The intervention focused on the[…]

HRC43 Written Statement: Ongoing Detention of Women’s Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia

Ahead of the 43nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement to the Council concerning Ongoing Detention of Women’s Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia. Continue reading below for the full text of the statement, or click here for PDF Ongoing Detention[…]

Saudi Arabia: Update on the Shame Reform

سجون السعودية

The Ongoing Arrest and Detention of Women Human Rights Defenders In May 2019, Amnesty International marked Saudi Arabia’s disgraceful “Year of Shame” in remembrance of a year’s passing since the arrest of several prominent women human rights defenders (WHRDs). Amnesty International stated that “a year ago, the authorities started locking up some of Saudi Arabia’s[…]

Dawood al-Marhoon to spend another birthday on death row in Saudi Arabia

On February 6 2020, Dawood al-Marhoon will turn 25-years-old making this his fifth birthday on death row in Saudi Arabia. Al-Marhoon was arrested without a warrant in May 2012 at the Al-Dammam hospital while being prepared for surgery on an injury he incurred during a peaceful protest. Al-Marhoon was only a teenager when he was[…]