Universal Periodic Review on Saudi Arabia, May 2024

Saudi Arabia’s human rights record continues to be deeply concerning. This report includes the four most alarming points at present in Saudi Arabia;  including the killing of migrants, repression of dissidents and systemic discrimination against women. The following sectors covered by this report violate international Human Rights standards and demand urgent attention. Criminal Justice, Arbitrary[…]

Analysing the UPR of Saudi Arabia: New Recommendations and Foreseeable Developments – Counter Terrorism Legislation (Part Three)

The crackdown on online expression by the Saudi Arabian government has been reported extensively. In 2014, Human Rights Watch (HRW) denounced Saudi prosecutors and judges for using vague expressions of terrorism to try Saudi citizens for peaceful tweets and social media activities. The counter-terrorism legislation was criminalising activity harming the public order, religious values, and[…]

Analysing the UPR of Saudi Arabia: New Recommendations and Foreseeable Developments – Death Penalty (Part Two)

Saudi Arabia has recently received a review of its human rights records during the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review on 22 January 2024. In this instance, it has received 35 recommendations on using the death penalty. Before this, in 2018, it had already received various recommendations on reforming the use of the death[…]

ADHRB Condemns Saudi Arabia’s Use of Death Penalty in Contravention to UPR Recommendations

4On 5 July 2019, during the 41st session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) delivered an oral statement during the Item 6 General Debate, drawing the Council’s attention to Saudi Arabia’s failure to comply with 3rd Cycle UPR recommendations. Underlining the government’s continued implementation[…]

UN Releases NGO Reports for Saudi Arabia’s 3rd Cycle UPR

On 24 August 2018, the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) released its summary of non-state stakeholder’s submissions on Saudi Arabia’s third Universal Periodic Review (UPR) ahead of the review itself in November 2018. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted six reports in conjunction with nine partner organizations, the European[…]