ADHRB at HRC38 Highlights Saudi and Emirati Reprisals Against Activists For UN Cooperation

On Thursday 28 June, at the 38th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, ADHRB delivered an oral intervention during the Council’s Item 5 General Debate, raising concerns about Gulf Cooperation Council reprisals against activists for the work with, and engagement with, the UN and its bodies and mechanisms. In particular, the intervention looked[…]

Leading Human Rights Defender Nabeel Rajab Could Face Another 14 Cases as Appeal Postponed in Bahrain

8 May 2018 – A Bahraini court today adjourned the appeal hearing of imprisoned human rights defender Nabeel Rajab until 20 May 2018. This is the second hearing after Rajab decided to appeal his 21 February 2018 conviction on politically motivated charges of “spreading false rumors in time of war,” “insulting public authorities,” and “insulting a foreign[…]

On World Press Freedom Day, the Gulf Countries Remain Areas of Grave Concern

Today marks the United Nation’s 25th World Press Freedom Day – celebrating the fundamental principles of press freedom and evaluating its status around the world. As Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) participates in the 25th United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) commemoration of the event in Accra, Ghana –[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Khalil al-Halwachi

Khalil al-Halwachi is a 57-year-old Bahraini scholar, former political activist held in the kingdom’s Jau Prison. He was convicted in an unfair, politically motivated trial and has been subjected to ill treatment, including denial of medical care, by detaining authorities. In the early morning of 3 September 2014, a large number of officers, some in[…]

Bahrain Intensifies Reprisals Against Activist Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei and Family

Amid increasing repression of domestic civil society, the Government of Bahrain has stepped up its reprisal campaign against exiled human rights activist Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei, the Director of Advocacy for the London-based Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD). In recent months, Bahraini authorities have repeatedly targeted four different members of Sayed Ahmed’s family with[…]