Profile in Persecution: Mohamed Hasan Abdulla (AlRamel)

Updated: Mohamed Hasan Abdulla (AlRamel) was a 55-year-old carpenter when he was arrested on 3 November 2015 during a raid on his house. During his detention, he was tortured, sexually harassed, and threatened before being convicted of charges based on planted evidence. He is currently serving his life sentence in Jau Prison, isolated in Building[…]

Profile in Persecution: Salman Maki Ali

Salman Maki Ali was a 15-year-old Bahraini student and minor when Bahraini authorities arbitrarily arrested him on 21 October 2014 from the street without presenting an arrest warrant.  During detention, he endured torture, enforced disappearance, solitary confinement, denial of access to legal counsel, unfair trials based on confessions extracted under torture, sectarian-based insults, and medical[…]

USCIRF: Saudi Arabia Remains a Country of Particular Concern

On 26 April, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released its 2017 Annual Report, labeling Saudi Arabia as a Tier 1 “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC) for severe violations of religious freedom. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) welcomes USCIRF’s decision to continue placing pressure on Saudi Arabia by[…]