26 July 2018 – Today, the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee released its concluding observations regarding Bahrain’s initial International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) periodic report. This marks Bahrain’s first review of compliance with treaty obligations under the ICCPR, despite ratifying the Covenant in 2006. The report comes over a decade late,[…]
31 May 2018 – Two days ago, the United States (US) Department of State (DoS) published its annual International Religious Freedom Report. In it, the State Department highlights systematic, government-sanctioned religious discrimination in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, including specific targeting of the countries’ Shia Muslim communities. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB)[…]
Mohamed Ebrahim Hasan is a 26-year-old Bahraini citizen currently being detained in Jau Prison on charges of joining a terrorist cell and forging government papers. On 13 February 2014, officers in plain clothing arrested Mohamed at the Bahrain International Airport and transferred him to the Ministry of Interior’s Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID). Upon his arrival,[…]
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has today released its 2018 Annual Report, categorizing Bahrain as a Tier 2 country “for engaging in or tolerating religious freedom violations that meet at least one of the elements of the ‘systematic, ongoing, egregious’ standard for designation as a ‘country of particular concern,’ or CPC,[…]
Ebrahim Marhoon was a student at the University of Bahrain until his arrest in November 2013. He was disappeared, tortured, stripped of his nationality, and denied medical care by the Bahraini authorities. The government is currently holding him in Jau Prison, Bahrain’s main long-term detention facility which is notorious for poor living conditions. Marhoon was[…]