Five police officers Acquitted of Torture Despite Credible Evidence

On 2 September 2015, Judge Mohammed Bin Ali al-Khalifa, head judge of the Bahraini High Criminal Court, acquitted 5 police officers who had been temporarily suspended for beating a man during his arrest. The man in question was being arrested on suspicion of drug possession, but was beaten by the police officers in order to[…]

ADHRB Strongly Condemns the Arrest of Nasser bin Ghaith

25 August 2015 – Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) strongly condemns the arrest of Dr. Nasser bin Ghaith, an Emirati economics professor and prominent academic. UAE state security forces arrested bin Ghaith on 18 August, reportedly in relation to his recent tweets about Egypt. A week after the arrest, the government[…]

August Champions for Justice: Bahrain’s Student Prisoners

Since 2011, students and children in Bahrain have faced arbitrary charges and detention related to their freedoms of expression and assembly. Some have been arrested for participating in pro-democracy protests; others have been detained for apparently no reason at all. Bahraini authorities have treated preteen and teenage citizens as enemies, subjecting them to maltreatment, impeding[…]

NGOs Express Concern for Arbitrary Detention of Outstanding Student

20 July 2015 – Geneva, Switzerland – Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) and the Bahrain Institute for Rights & Democracy (BIRD) are concerned with the arbitrary detention of 18-year-old student Mustafa Mohammed Ali in Bahrain. We are also concerned by reports that Mustafa’s arbitrary conviction will prevent him from receiving his[…]

July Champions for Justice: Bahrain’s Death Row Prisoners

In Bahrain, political dissidence can be punishable by death. The Government of Bahrain employ the threat of capital punishment as a means of political intimidation. Between 2011 and 2014, Bahraini courts handed down 11 death sentences; in the last six months, they have handed down at least four more. Disproportionately, these sentences have been based[…]