Profiles in Persecution: Abbas Ismaeel Ghuloom

Abbas Ismaeel Ghuloom was a professional football player in Bahrain, having played for the Manama Club and the national team between the years 2000 and 2002. He graduated from Ahlia University and worked as an accountant in the Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait for seven years. In March 2011, he was violently arrested, tortured, and[…]

Profile in Persecution: Sadeq Jaafar Shamlooh

Sadeq Jaafar Shamlooh was a 16-year-old freshman student when he was warrantlessly arrested, tortured, and sentenced in several unfair trials. He is currently held in Jau Prison where is he is serving a 26-year sentence, meaning that by the time he serves his sentence, he would have spent more than half his life in prison.[…]

The self-respect of democracy

Read anything said about democracy and America by President Kennedy and President Reagan; read anything about Saudi Arabia’s bloody record of its repression of democracy and human rights; then try not to feel embarrassed and angry by the news that the President of the United States is travelling to Saudi Arabia to kiss the ring[…]

Profile in Persecution: Abdulla AbdulKarim AlAnjawi

Abdulla AbdulKarim AlAnjawi is a 23-year-old Bahraini national who was arrested without a warrant from his home by Bahraini authorities in the beginning of 2021. He has been subjected to torture and ill-treatment both during interrogations and while in detention at Jau prison, where he is serving his sentence. At dawn on the 4th of[…]

Profile in Persecution: Husain Jaafar AbdulRedha Jaafar Mohamed

Husain Jaafar Mohamed was a 19-year-old Bahraini student when he was arrested in 2014, which prevented him from completing his studies. After being convicted in multiple cases, he is currently serving his prison sentence in Jau Prison, and has been denied contact with his family on multiple occasions. Husain was pursued by authorities for around[…]