Inside Jau: Rampant Torture and Abuse Inside Bahrain’s Political Prison

26 June 2015 – Bahrain’s prison authorities continue to humiliate, torture and mistreat inmates at Jau Prison, according to a new report released today by Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR). The release of the report[…]

ADHRB Executive Director Delivers Intervention on Suppression of Free Speech in Qatar

On 22 June 2015 ADHRB Executive Director Husain Abdulla delivered an oral intervention during the Item 2 & 3 General Debate at the 29th Session of the United Nation Human Rights Council.  The intervention focused on the suppression of free speech in Gulf States.  Access a PDF of it in English here. الرجاء الضغط هنا لقراءة هذه الرسالة[…]

Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei Delivers Statement on Bahrain at HRC29

On June 24, Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei of the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy participated in an Interactive Dialogue on arbitrary detention and torture at the 29th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. Please continue reading for full remarks or click here to download a PDF. الرجاء الضغط هنا لقراءة هذه الرسالة باللغة العربي Mr. President,[…]

Upcoming Event at HRC29: Political Prisoners & Human Rights Defenders in Bahrain

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), along with the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), Amnesty International, the Gulf Center for Human Rights, the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), the Alsalam Foundation, and Human Rights Watch, will be co-sponsoring a side event at the[…]

Second Annual Report Shows Ombudsman Remains Subservient & Unaccountable

Once again, the Bahrain Office of the Ombudsman has released its Second Annual Report on the progress of their complaint program and the state of prisoner and detainee treatment. Like the first report, the statistics on the number of complaints, deaths, and investigations are inconsistent with independently documented numbers, and do not accurately portray the[…]