Advanced arms and technology for a monarchy with an appalling human rights record: the US-Saudi Arabia Security Pact

A security guarantee, assistance in developing a nuclear program, and more unrestricted arms sales in exchange for the normalization of Israeli-Saudi relations is what the Biden administration proposes to Saudi Arabia in a bilateral agreement that is close to being finalized between the two countries. Long gone are Biden’s words in the 2019 Democratic primary[…]

ADHRB Welcomes Steps By US and EU to Address Imprisoned Activists and Discrimination Against Women in Saudi Arabia

21 February 2019 – Last week, the United States (US) House of Representatives and the European Parliament took steps to address the ongoing imprisonment of women in Saudi Arabia and the systematic discrimination against them. On 13 February, US Representatives Lois Frankel (D-FL), David Cicilline (D-RI), Ann Wagner (R-MO), and Susan Wild (D-PA) introduced a[…]

ADHRB Condemns White House’s Weak Stance on the Saudi Crown Prince’s Role in Khashoggi’s Murder

21 November 2018 – Yesterday, 20 November 2018, United States (US) President Donald Trump issued a statement on the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, addressing the question of the Saudi Crown Prince’s involvement. The statement, lauding the Gulf Kingdom’s crucial role in protecting US national security interests, starkly overlooked the likely role Crown Prince[…]

ADHRB at HRC38 calls attention to Saudi Arabia’s Upcoming 3rd Cycle UPR and Continuing Abuses

On Friday 29 June, at the 38th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, ADHRB’s Advocacy Associate delivered an oral intervention during the Item 6 General Debate, calling attention to Saudi Arabia’s upcoming 3rd cycle Universal Periodic Review, and noting that this is an optimal environment for states to engage and address systematic, widespread,[…]

ADHRB Welcomes UN Rights Experts’ Call for Release of Saudi Women’s Rights Activists

29 June 2018 – Two days ago, nine United Nations Special Rapporteurs released a joint statement urging Saudi Arabia to immediately release several women’s right defenders arrested for their activism throughout the kingdom in late May 2018. In their statement, these independent human rights experts condemned the arrests and iterated their concerns over the continued[…]