Saudi Arabia’s violent crackdown, unjust accountability

Saudi Arabia has recently cracked down on migrants in the Kingdom, resulting in the arrest of 19,662 individuals, all in a matter of a few days; 15,200 of which were foreigners to Saudi soil. From April 24th to May 1st, 12,436 arrests were for residency violations, 4,464 for border security breaches, and 2,762 for labour[…]

Assessing Saudi Arabia’s New Law on Domestic Workers

Saudi Arabia faces complexities of informal domestic work, a sector marked by vulnerabilities and abuses. Despite some efforts towards regulation, the issue of domestic workers in the kingdom remains a pressing concern. While Decision No. 310/1434 of 2013 extended certain protections to this marginalized workforce, significant gaps persisted, leaving workers exposed to exploitation. Under the[…]

Saudi Arabia pursues Mass Killings across the Gulf of Aden: Calling for Accountability.

On the 21st of August, 2023, Human Rights Watch (HRW) published a report on the mass killings of Ethiopians at the Yemen-Saudi border. The research indicates that the indiscriminate use of force by Saudi authorities started in March 2022 and is still ongoing. This crisis is of the utmost importance as, according to the International[…]

Qatar Approves Permanent Residency Law that Could Expand Expatriate Rights

With the approval of a new permanent residency law, Qatar may be set to become the first Arab Gulf country to significantly reform the legal status of its expatriate population. The new legislation will reportedly allow foreign workers to obtain a permanent residency card which comes with several benefits. Cardholders will have full access to[…]