Migrant Workers Protest Wage Withholding in Bahrain

On 7 June 2017, migrant laborers staged a rally with almost one hundred demonstrators, consisting of mostly Indian and Bangladeshi workers. The gathering is a notable occurrence in a country that enforces extreme restrictions on the right to free assembly. It was held in Sanad and called for the workers to be paid by their[…]

Bahrain’s Forgotten Workers: A Status Report on Labor Discrimination and Forced Dismissals since 2011

[flipbook pdf=”https://usercontent.one/wp/www.adhrb.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ADHRB_Bahrains-Forgotten-Workers.pdf?media=1702831202”] On 13 June 2017, the International Labour Organization (ILO) reviewed progress made by the Government of Bahrain toward rectifying outstanding complaints of labor discrimination, implementing the two associated Tripartite Agreements of 2012 and 2014, and generally adhering to international standards for protecting the rights of workers. It found that the Bahraini authorities have[…]

Kuwait’s Escalating Campaign against Its Expat Workers

In recent months, tensions in Kuwait surrounding the country’s demographic composition have been on the rise. Like all Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, a significant percentage of Kuwait’s population is comprised of foreign nationals who have traveled to the country for work opportunities. As Kuwait continues to grapple with economic changes stemming from a decline[…]

Stranded in Saudi: Citizens and Migrants Unite in Rare Protest

In September, hundreds of Saudi and foreign workers employed at a private hospital in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province went on strike in protest over months of unpaid wages. The strike, coordinated and orchestrated by both Saudi citizen-workers and migrants, marks a turning point in migrant and labor relations in the Gulf, and indicates the escalation[…]

Amidst Concerns for Migrants, Qatari Construction Continues

Construction on the largest stadium being built for Qatar’s 2022 World Cup is due to begin this year. British architectural firm Foster and Partners designed the stadium, which will hold 80,000 people. Five World Cup stadiums are currently under construction. The situation of migrant laborers who work on these stadiums has recently garnered more media[…]