Mapping the Saudi State Chapter 4: Media Censorship

*Best viewed in full-screen mode. In Mapping the Saudi State, Chapter 4: Media Censorship, ADHRB studies the complex and mutually-supportive system of government agencies and legal codes that control publicly-circulated content within the kingdom and prevent the development of an independent press. Through an interactive presentation and a comprehensive written report, ADHRB focuses on how[…]

Mapping the Saudi State Chapter 3: The MOI (Part 2)

*Best viewed in full-screen mode. In Mapping the Saudi State, Chapter 3: The Ministry of Interior (Part 2), ADHRB continues its study of the Saudi ministry tasked with maintaining internal security and enforcing criminal law. Through an interactive presentation and a comprehensive written report, ADHRB focuses on how the ministry has systematically persecuted human rights[…]

Mapping Saudi State Chapter 2: The MOI (Part 1)

* Best viewed in full screen mode In Mapping the Saudi State, Chapter 2: The Ministry of Interior (Part 1), ADHRB details the workings of the Saudi ministry tasked with ensuring internal stability and enforcing criminal law. Through an interactive presentation and a comprehensive written report, ADHRB focuses on how those ministry agencies most crucial[…]

Mapping the Saudi State: An Introduction

*Best viewed in full screen mode Due to a lack of information, media outlets and international advocates for political reform in Saudi Arabia have often treated the various and competing bodies of the Saudi government as one uniform repressive machine. Without being able to differentiate between dissimilar agencies with divergent mandates, however, leaders are distanced[…]