Restricted Freedom … The Bahraini Government’s failure to Implement Transitional Justice for Released Individuals

On 8 April 2024, a royal decree was issued pardoning 1,584 prisoners, including several political prisoners. At first glance, the decree was considered a progressive reform in response to human rights demands aimed at improving the country’s dire rights situation. However, the step was incomplete, revealing that it was merely a means for the regime[…]

ADHRB submits written statement on Saudi Arabia to the Human Rights Council

On the occasion of the 31st session of the Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain submitted for the official record the following written statement regarding human rights in Saudi Arabia. Please continue reading for the full text, or click here to read a PDF of the written statement. Death Sentences and[…]

Bahrain acquits security officers of torture, sentences Shia cleric for free speech

On Monday March 7, Bahrain’s Second High Criminal Court commuted the sentence of a police officer, convicted of beating a prisoner, from two years to three months. That same day another Bahraini court upheld the August 25, 2014 verdict acquitting nine police officers charged in May 2013 with assaulting, beating, and torturing 13 prisoners. The[…]