ADHRB and 10 NGOs Send Letter to House Rules Committee Calling for Accountability for the Murder of Jamal Khashoggi Through the Saudi Arabia Human Rights and Accountability Act

3 July 2019 – Yesterday, on 2 July, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), in cooperation with Article 19, Committee to Protect Journalists, Freedom House, Human Rights First, Human Rights Watch, James W. Foley Legacy Foundation, Open Society Policy Center, PEN America, Project on Middle East Democracy, and Reporters Without Borders sent[…]

One Year Anniversary of Saudi Crackdown on Women’s Rights Activists

This past month marked one-year since Saudi Arabia launched a wave of arrests targeting women’s rights activists as part of a larger crackdown against social reformers and those critical of the ruling family. The series of arrests specifically went after activists who publicly advocated on behalf of ending the female driving ban, which Saudi Arabia’s[…]

The Gulf Remains an Area of Darkness on World Press Freedom Day

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) joins the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in commemorating World Press Freedom Day. On World Press Freedom Day’s 26th anniversary, ADHRB remains deeply concerned on the status of press freedom in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states. These countries[…]

ADHRB and NGOs Call on HFAC to Urge Accountability on Khashoggi’s Case

14 March 2019 – Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) and 10 other human rights organizations sent a letter to the leadership of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to undertake additional action concerning the extrajudicial killing of Jamal Khashoggi. The NGOs, led by Human Rights First, sent a letter to Chairman Eliot Engel (D-NY) and Ranking Member Michael McCaul (R-TX),[…]

Washington Post Establishes Khashoggi Fellowship as White House Maintains Weak Stance on Saudi Arabia

On 25 February 2019, the Washington Post established the Jamal Khashoggi Fellowship honoring the late Global Opinions columnist. The new fellowship was established with the aim to provide a platform for writers and journalists from regions facing restrictions to free expression to express their perspectives, views, and opinions. While the Washington Post is taking proactive[…]