Bahrain Upholds 10-Year Sentence for Photojournalist Sayed Ahmed al-Mousawi in Further Attack on Press Freedom

On 27 March 2018, a Bahraini appellate court confirmed the 10-year prison sentence and arbitrary denaturalization of photojournalist Sayed Ahmed al-Mousawi. In 2017, Bahrain’s highest court reversed the original ruling, leading to the new appeal. Though al-Mousawi has the opportunity to petition the Court of Cassation again, he remains arbitrarily detained. Bahraini authorities first arrested[…]

HRC37 Intervention on impunity for crimes against journalists in Bahrain

On Tuesday 20 March, during the 37th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Advocacy Associate Tyler Pry delivered an oral intervention during the Item 8 General Debate on behalf of ADHRB. In his intervention, Pry discussed impunity for crimes committed by the Bahraini government against journalists in the context of the Vienna Declaration and[…]

HRC37 Intervention on Bahrain’s Failure to Implement its UPR Recommendations

On Monday 19  March during the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, Yusuf Alhoori delivered an oral intervention during the Item 6 General Debate on the Government of Bahrain’s refusal to implement its 3rd cycle Universal Periodic Review (UPR) recommendations. Alhoori noted that states recommended 176 reforms, including several in impunity, but that Bahrain[…]

Swiss Journalists detained in the GCC

On Thursday 9 November, two journalists working for a Swiss news outlet were detained and forcibly disappeared in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Serge Enderlin and Jon Bjorgvinsson were in Abu Dhabi to cover the opening of the Louvre Abu Dhabi and interview the museum’s architect, Jean Nouvel. The pair claims that they were accredited[…]

ADHRB Observes UN International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

Today, 2 November 2017, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) observes the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists established by the United Nations (UN). Around the world, over 900 journalists have died in the past ten years while bringing news and information to the public. However, only one in[…]