Restricted Freedom … The Bahraini Government’s failure to Implement Transitional Justice for Released Individuals

On 8 April 2024, a royal decree was issued pardoning 1,584 prisoners, including several political prisoners. At first glance, the decree was considered a progressive reform in response to human rights demands aimed at improving the country’s dire rights situation. However, the step was incomplete, revealing that it was merely a means for the regime[…]

HRC Written Statement: 2017 – A New Low Point for Human Rights in Bahrain

On the occasion of the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, ADHRB submitted a written statement to the Council regarding the severe decline in Bahrain’s human rights situation over the preceding year. 2017: A New Low Point for Human Rights in Bahrain Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) takes this opportunity at[…]