ADHRB Condemns White House’s Weak Stance on the Saudi Crown Prince’s Role in Khashoggi’s Murder

21 November 2018 – Yesterday, 20 November 2018, United States (US) President Donald Trump issued a statement on the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, addressing the question of the Saudi Crown Prince’s involvement. The statement, lauding the Gulf Kingdom’s crucial role in protecting US national security interests, starkly overlooked the likely role Crown Prince[…]

Member of Italian Chamber of Deputies Calls on Bahraini Government to Ensure Free and Fair Elections

20 November 2018 – Today, Andrea Delmastro delle Vedove, Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, expressed his concerns regarding the restrictive political environment in Bahrain ahead of the upcoming elections for the Council of Representatives of Bahrain’s National Assembly in a letter addressed to Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. The elections are due to[…]

Special Procedures Joint Communication on Human Rights Defenders in Yemen to Saudi Arabia

From June through August 2018, United Nations (UN) Special Procedures sent five separate joint communications to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, expressing concerns over a myriad of human rights violations ranging from the targeting of women’s and human rights defenders, reprisals, the conflict in Yemen, arbitrary detention and more. This blog series highlights these joint[…]

Open Letter to Drivers, Teams and Performers at the Abu Dhabi F1 Grand Prix 2018

To view a PDF version of this letter, click here. 19 Nov 2018 Open Letter to Drivers, Teams and Performers at the Abu Dhabi F1 Grand Prix 2018 Dear friends, As you ready yourselves to hold the limelight on the stages and tracks of the final Formula One race of the season, we the undersigned NGOs,[…]

Election Tracker: Bahrain Criminalizes Calling for Boycott of Upcoming Elections

As Bahrain’s parliamentary elections approach amid escalating political repression, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) will be closely monitoring all updates until the vote on 24 November 2018. This blog series, Election Tracker, will follow developments and provide context on the upcoming elections. See the previous post on election monitors accusing critics[…]