27 February 2019 – Today Bahrain’s Assistant Foreign Minister, Abdulla Faisal Al-Doseri, addressed the 40th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC), offering misleading remarks on Bahrain’s progress on human rights issues within the kingdom. Al-Doseri discussed Bahrain’s efforts to promote “peace and stability,” the efforts of the kingdom’s nominal accountability mechanisms, the[…]
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a dark police state that regularly abuses human rights and represses its citizens. The UAE targets political opponents and activists, and criminalizes fundamental freedoms and basic human rights. The country also has a history of systematic torture, enforced disappearance, and arbitrary arrest, and women and migrant domestic workers continue[…]
Bahrain Bahrain JUA 31 July 2018 BHR 4/2018 Mandates: health, torture, water and sanitation Alleged victims: – Information received concerning recent reports of alleged disconnection of water supply in Jau Prison and Dry Dock Detention Center. “Serious concern is expressed at the alleged water cuts in Jau Prison and Dry Dock Detention Center, which may amount[…]
15 February 2019 – On 14 February 2019, Maureen O’Sullivan TD and Niall Collins TD held a topical issue debate concerning the deteriorating human rights situation in Bahrain in Ireland’s Dáil Éireann. The debate came on the eighth anniversary of the 2011 pro-democracy movement and protests, which were met with a violent government crackdown that[…]
14 February 2019 – On 13 February 2019, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) held a panel for students at American University’s (AU) School of International Service (SIS) on the human rights status in Bahrain, entitled “Addressing Human Rights Abuses in Bahrain and the Arab Gulf.” Jeff Bachman, Genocide scholar at AU,[…]