French MP Frederique Dumas Addresses the Minister for Europe And Foreign Affairs Concerning the Blighted Treatment of Female Government Critics in Bahrain

  French parliament representative, Frederique Dumas, called up the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves le Drian to highlight the frequent human rights violations against women in Bahrain. Frederique Dumas, politician and film producer, who was elected as a deputy of the National Assembly in 2017, where she also serves in the Committee[…]

Reprisal Against Human Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia

The Price of Participating at the Human Rights Council is too exorbitant Human right defenders have suffered greatly from reprisals due to their activism and involvement with international human rights organizations, such as the United Nations (UN), and the Human Rights Council (HRC), among others . ADHRB has, and continues to monitor the situation in[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Salman Abbas Hasan

Salman was a 24-year-old volleyball player when he was arrested on 4 September 2014. Without presenting a warrant, authorities had beaten and arrested him. An interrogation and trial marred with human rights violations followed. Salman is currently in Jau Prison serving a 19-year and six-month sentence. On 4 September 2014, riot police and civilian officers[…]

France’s Double Standards

Q: Can France be a leader in regard to freedom of expression when artists / journalists are killed in the countries supported by France?  In a democracy, freedom of expression is a fundamental right which cannot be compromised. Historically, France has taken a leading role in regard to free speech. Dating back to the French[…]

“Throw Migrant workers into the Desert”: How COVID-19 Exacerbates the Suffering of Kuwait’s Invisible Workers

The coronavirus pandemic is an all-encompassing world-wide problem, and has affected an incalculable number of countries, regions and facets of society. Unfortunately, the most vulnerable people in society are proving to be the worst hit. One particularly vulnerable group in this time of crisis are the migrant workers in Kuwait. A series of Arab celebrities[…]