World Cup Slavery

The past few months have been challenging for the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). Sony announced that it will not renew its sponsorship contract with FIFA, following a similar announcement from Emirates Airlines earlier this month. Recent allegations of bribery resulted in an internal ethics investigation, while more than 1,200 migrant workers have died[…]

Rally to End #WorldCupSlavery at Qatari Embassy in Washington DC

December 1, 2014 – Washington, D.C. – On December 2nd 2014, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain, with co-sponsors Amnesty International, the MENA Solidarity Network-US, the International Trade Union Confederation, and Georgetown Law HRA-AI, will hold a rally at the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Washington, DC. Scheduled for the United[…]

Bahrain Security Forces Weaponize Tear Gas Canisters

25 November 2014 – On 19 November 2014, Yousif Badah attended a memorial event dedicated to his 16-year-old son, Ali Yousif Badah, who was killed during the Bahrain Uprising in 2011. According to his father, who discussed his son’s death in a recent interview with VICE (22’50), Ali Badah was crushed to death when a[…]

Bahrain Arbitrarily Imprisons, Tortures United States Citizen

At its 69th Session in 2014, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention officially declared that the Government of Bahrain is arbitrarily detaining an American citizen in prison and has inadequately responded to allegations of torture. Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) deplores this latest use of torture by the Government[…]