Newsletter #106

  Nabeel Rajab Speech to Oslo Freedom Forum Delivered In Absentia Nabeel Rajab, one of Bahrain’s leading human rights defenders and the President of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), was set to deliver the following speech at the 2015 Oslo Freedom Forum. However, Rajab is currently imprisoned on spurious charges, including some linked[…]

June Champions for Justice: The Prisoners of Jau

Jau Prison is the largest male detention facility in Bahrain and is used to detain many prisoners of conscience. Conditions at the prison are characterized by inadequate healthcare facilities, unsanitary cells and toilets, and extreme overcrowding: recent estimates place Jau’s current population at more than double its capacity. Prisoners protested these conditions by peacefully, staging[…]

NGOs & Individuals Call for Protection of Religious Freedom for Bahrain 13

On Tuesday, 26 May 2015, a group of 15 NGOs and individuals sent a joint letter to US Secretary of State John Kerry urging him to call on Government of Bahrain to protect the religious freedoms of a group of high-profile political prisoners known as the Bahrain 13. As the letter states, “[t]he Bahrain 13 are representative[…]

Newsletter #104

Norway Calls for Nabeel Rajab’s Immediate Release from Prison in Bahrain ‘The Norwegian authorities call for the release of human rights defender Nabeel Rajab,’ said State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bård Glad Pedersen. Mr Rajab, who met the political leadership of Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in September 2014, has been imprisoned[…]

Newsletter #103

Detention of Human Rights Defender Nabeel Rajab Extended Monday 11 May, A Bahraini High Court extended the detention of human rights defender Nabeel Rajab for 15 more days. Rajab was arrested on 2 April 2015 on new charges of posting and re-tweeting comments on Twitter regarding the war in Yemen and torture at Jaw prison. If convicted, he could face up to 10 years in prison. Rajab[…]