Profiles in Persecution: Ali Jasim al Ghanemi

The Government of Bahrain has targeted numerous internationally renowned human rights defenders in reprisal for their work. Many, including Nabeel Rajab and Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, are known around the world, with their cases documented by human rights organizations, governments, and the United Nations. However, the Bahraini government’s attack on peaceful dissent and opposition has cast a[…]

Bahrain’s Forgotten Workers: A Status Report on Labor Discrimination and Forced Dismissals since 2011

[flipbook pdf=””] On 13 June 2017, the International Labour Organization (ILO) reviewed progress made by the Government of Bahrain toward rectifying outstanding complaints of labor discrimination, implementing the two associated Tripartite Agreements of 2012 and 2014, and generally adhering to international standards for protecting the rights of workers. It found that the Bahraini authorities have[…]

Hollow Words, Empty Reforms: Saudi Arabia’s Effective Refusal to Reform Women’s Rights

[flipbook pdf=””]   Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) is pleased to release Hollow Words, Empty Reforms: Saudi Arabia’s Effective Refusal to Reform Women’s Rights, a report assessing the impact of recent economic, legislative, and societal developments on the rights of women in Saudi Arabia. See the introduction to the report below, and click here to[…]

Crushing Civil Society: Bahraini Government Reprisals for International Engagement

[flipbook pdf=””] Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) is pleased to release Crushing Civil Society: Bahraini Government Reprisals for International Engagement, a report detailing how Bahrain’s authorities have worked to dismantle independent civil society and undermine substantive cooperation with the international human rights community. Mirroring the government’s two-pronged approach, it begins by analyzing the current set[…]

Bahrain suspends Al-Wasat, further restricting press freedom

6 June 2017 – Two days ago, on 4 June 2017, Bahrain’s Ministry of Information Affairs (MIA) indefinitely suspended both the print and online publication of Al-Wasat, Bahrain’s only independent newspaper. This move came in response to an article in Al-Wasat’s 4 June issue in which the author discussed events related to ongoing unrest in[…]