Bahrain: Fourth Annual Report of Police Ombudsman Reveals Failure to Fulfill Mandate

On 12 September 2017, the Ombudsman for Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior (MOI) released its fourth annual report for the period of 1 May 2016 to 30 April 2017. As in its previous report, the Ombudsman’s Office re-emphasizes its autonomy from the government and greater security establishment, presenting statistics concerning the complaints of MOI malfeasance that[…]

ADHRB condemns US $3.8b arms sale to Bahrain amid human rights crisis

12 September 2017 – On Friday, 8 September 2017, the United States (US) Department of State notified potential foreign military sales (FMS) to the Government of Bahrain totaling approximately $3.8 billion. The sales include 1) two 35-Meter Fast Patrol Boats at an estimated cost of $60.25 million; 2) 19 F-16V aircraft with support at an[…]

Trial of Nabeel Rajab Postponed Yet Again in Bahrain

  After 455 days of arbitrary detention, the Bahraini government has again postponed the trial of leading human rights defender and president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) Nabeel Rajab. Arrested on 13 June 2016, Rajab was sentenced to two years in prison in a separate case in July 2017, and is now[…]

Bahrain: Reports of Continued Migrants’ Rights Abuses in August

In early August, more than 50 construction workers gathered to protest unpaid wages in Bahrain. The group claimed that almost 200 employees had not been paid since last November. According to local media reports, one protesting employee stated that the company had falsely informed the government that the dues had been paid in order to[…]

New Flexi Permit Could Provide Alternative to Kefala System in Bahrain

Bahrain’s Labor Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) has introduced a new regulation program that aims to give expatriates illegally residing and working in the country a way to obtain legal documentation to stay. This new regulation program, called the Flexi Permit, will be a significant deviation from the current kefala system since it will give workers[…]