HRC38 Written Statement: The Culture of Impunity in Bahrain

On the occasion of the 38th session of the Human Rights Council, ADHRB submitted a written statement to the Council regarding the culture of impunity for wrongdoers in Bahrain.  For a PDF of this statement, please click here. The Culture of Impunity in Bahrain Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) takes this opportunity[…]

UAE Human Rights Defender Ahmed Mansoor Sentenced to Ten Years for Tweets

31 May 2018 – On 30 May 2018, Ahmed Mansoor, a prominent United Arab Emirates (UAE) human rights defender, was sentenced to ten years in prison and received a fine of Dh1 million ($272,000 USD) on charges of insulting the “status and prestige of the UAE and its symbols,” and using his social media account[…]

Bahrain Military Court Death Sentences Ratified but Reduced to Life Imprisonment

26 April 2018 – Following yesterday’s decision by Bahrain’s Military Court of Cassation to reject the final appeal of three civilians and one soldier sentenced to death on 25 December 2017, the king has chosen to ratify the ruling but commute the death penalties to life imprisonment for the four appellants. Americans for Democracy &[…]

NGOs Condemn Confirmation of Civilian Sentences by Bahrain Military Court: Four at Risk of Imminent Execution

25 April 2018 – Bahrain’s highest military court, the Military Court of Cassation, today rejected the final appeal of seven defendants – one soldier and six civilians. The decision comes exactly four months after the men were convicted on terror charges in an unfair military trial marred by allegations of torture, enforced disappearance, and other[…]

Bahraini Opposition Leader Sheikh Ali Salman Could Face Death Penalty as Qatar Trial is Set to Conclude on 21 June

Bahraini Public Prosecution Advocate General Osama al-Oufi announced on 24 April 2018 that the High Criminal Court had adjourned the new trial of imprisoned opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman and his two in absentia codefendants, Sheikh Hassan Ali Juma Sultan and Ali Mehdi Ali Al Aswad, until 21 June. The court is expected to issue[…]