HRC42 Written Statement: Kuwait’s UPR: Systematic Human Rights violations and the ongoing targeting of the Bidoon.

Ahead of the 42nd Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement to the Council to raise concerns over Kuwait’s human rights violations, especially against bidoon and stateless persons’ rights, and its upcoming third cycle Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Continue reading below for the[…]

HRC42 Written Statement: Torture in the United Arab Emirates

Ahead of the 42nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement to the Council concerning the practice of torture used by Emirati authorities to target individuals inside and outside the UAE. Continue reading below for the full text of the statement,[…]

HRC42 Written Statement: The imprisonment of Women’s Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia

Ahead of the 42nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement to the Council concerning Saudi Arabia’s targeting of women human rights defenders for arrest, detention, and torture and ill treatment. Continue reading below for the full text of the statement,[…]

ADHRB at HRC41 Condemns Bahrain’s Abusive Ministry of Interior Police Force and the Issue of Impunity

Before the 41st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council began, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRBI) submitted a written statement on the abusive nature of the Bahraini Ministry of Interior (MOI). The statement focuses on how the MOI is complicit in human rights violations and the kingdom’s habitual repression of[…]

ADHRB at the Human Rights Council raised concerns over Bahrain’s failure to comply with the UPR Recommendations it received in 2017

During the second week of the 41st Session of the Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) delivered an oral statement drawing attention to Bahrain’s failure to take steps to fulfill its UPR recommendations recived in May 2017. The government continued to commit human rights abuses since its last UPR,[…]