Ahmed Mansoor: A Symbol of Struggle for Human Rights in the UAE Ahead of COP28

Ahmed Mansoor, a prominent human rights defender in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has faced relentless persecution due to his unwavering advocacy for human rights. His case stands as a distressing emblem of the struggles faced by activists in the UAE, shedding light on the challenges of championing fundamental rights in the region. Mansoor’s arrest[…]

Spotlight on Bahrain’s Human Rights Record: Bahrain Undergoes 3rd Cycle UPR Review

Today, the United Nations Human Rights Council conducted Bahrain’s 3rd Cycle Universal Periodic Review, in which states issued recommendations to the Government of Bahrain to improve its human rights record. Dozens of states gave recommendations that encompassed thematic issue areas ranging from improving religious freedom to halting executions, from strengthening women’s rights to protecting freedom of[…]