Bahrain security forces employ excessive use of force against funeral mourners

27 March 2017 – Bahraini security forces attacked the funeral procession of Mustafa Hamdan with tear gas and shotgun bullets, injuring those gathered. We, the undersigned organizations, condemn this excessive use of force employed by security forces over the weekend during the procession. We call on the security forces to halt their excessive use of[…]

Item 9 HRC34 Oral Intervention: Religious Discrimination in Bahrain

On 21 March 2017, Ebrahim Demestani delivered an oral intervention at the 34th session of the Human Rights Council under Item 9 and the Durban Declaration on behalf of Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain, the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy, and the Bahrain Center for Human Rights. In his intervention, Demestani[…]

GCC Cases Raised in the HRC 34 Special Procedures Joint Communications Report

Bahrain:   Complaint         Mandate(s)                                  Communication Summary and Findings________________ 04 Jul 2016 Bahrain JUA BHR 3/2016 ·   arbitrary detention ·   freedom of opinion and expression ·   freedom of peaceful assembly and of association ·   health ·   human rights     defenders ·   torture Information received concerning Mr. Nabeel Rajab who has been repeatedly arrested and has[…]

In “bizarre” summons, Bahraini authorities attempt to interrogate exiled activist

On 16 November 2016, the Government of Bahrain sent masked civilian police and riot police to surround the house of Asma Darwish’s family in Sitra, Bahrain. Authorities sent the police to Darwish’s house to summon her to Bahrain’s Public Prosecution Office (PPO) the next day for charges of “illegal gathering” she allegedly participated in three[…]

Bahraini Authorities Continue Crackdown on Activists: More Human Rights Defenders and BCHR Members Face Reprisals

16 November 2016 – In the past few days, the Bahraini authorities have summoned at least 26 activists and human rights defenders for interrogations over charges of illegal gathering, including members of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR). The undersigned NGOs are deeply concerned about this sudden wave of reprisals against opposition voices and[…]