HRC42 Written Statement: ADHRB unequivocally condemns the attack on Photojournalist by Bahraini Embassy in London

Ahead of the 42nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement to the Council concerning the treatment of journalists in the Gulf, and impunity, as well as efforts by Gulf states like Bahrain to silence dissent even outside their borders. Continue[…]

One Year Anniversary of Saudi Crackdown on Women’s Rights Activists

This past month marked one-year since Saudi Arabia launched a wave of arrests targeting women’s rights activists as part of a larger crackdown against social reformers and those critical of the ruling family. The series of arrests specifically went after activists who publicly advocated on behalf of ending the female driving ban, which Saudi Arabia’s[…]

UAE-sponsored display at HRC40 cannot compensate for ongoing human rights abuses

During the 40th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) sponsored an exhibit speaking out against child sexual abuse and online harassment and purporting to highlight the role of interfaith dialogue in defending victims. While this exhibit attempts to demonstrate steps the UAE has taken to address[…]

ADHRB at the UN: Saudi Arabia’s ongoing restrictions on freedom of expression

11 March 2019 – ADHRB takes this opportunity, along with the Alsalam Foundation, to deliver an oral intervention during the 40th session of the Human Rights Council: General Debate on Item 3. Ms. Alexis Henning spoke on Saudi Arabia’s targeting of activists and human rights defenders and the Kingdom’s recurring restrictions on freedom of expression[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Zahra Salman Hasan (“Zahra AlShaikh”)

Zahra Salman Hasan, better known as Zahra AlShaikh, is a 28-year-old mother, human rights defender, and Bahraini citizen who fled her home country after enduring years of threats, harassment, imprisonment, and torture in relation to her activism. In 2012, Bahraini officers from the Special Security Force Command (SSFC) arrested Zahra during a peaceful sit-in and[…]