Nabeel Rajab Faces 5 Years in Prison as Bahrain’s Court of Cassation Rejects his Final Appeal

31 December 2018 – Today, Bahrain’s Court of Cassation, its court of last resort, denied prominent Bahraini human rights defender Nabeel Rajab’s appeal and upheld his five-year prison sentence for tweets and re-tweets critical of the Bahraini government and its policies. With the decision, Nabeel has exhausted all legal remedies to reverse the charges, and[…]

Profiles in Persecution: AbdulHadi Saleh AlMeshaimea

AbdulHadi Saleh AlMeshaimea is a 54-year-old Bahraini and the father of Ali AlMeshaimea, who was shot and killed by riot police in 2011. AbdulHadi was one of ten individuals arrested on 12 October 2018 prior to a march in protest of the upcoming Parliamentary elections. Among the others arrested was Sayed Saeed Isa, the father[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Abdulwahab Husain Ismaeel

Abdulwahab Husain Ismaeel is a 64-year old Bahraini national from the town of Nuwaidrat. He is one of the “Bahrain Thirteen”- a group of thirteen religious leaders, political opposition leaders, and human rights defenders who led non-violent pro-democracy protests in Bahrain in February 2011. He is currently in Jau Prison where he is serving a[…]

NGOs Applaud UN Decision that Nabeel Rajab is Arbitrarily Detained & Warning Bahrain against “Crimes Against Humanity”

16 August 2018 – Yesterday, the United Nations (UN) Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) published an opinion concerning the detention of prominent human rights defender Nabeel Rajab. The WGAD ultimately determined that Nabeel’s imprisonment is in violation of several norms and laws of international human rights, and that his detention is therefore arbitrary. The[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Hasan Mohamed Qambar

Hasan Mohamed Qambar is a 29-year-old Bahraini citizen currently detained in Jau Prison. Hasan is a photojournalist who documented human rights violations in Bahrain during the 2011 uprising. Authorities arrested him in April 2011 after he covered the first two months of the pro-democracy protests in February and March. He was sentenced to one and[…]